5 Don'ts for the IELTS speaking test



Should you use complex language during the IELTS speaking test? Well, to know the answer read this blog till the end. Here we have discussed the don’ts which you should keep in mind during the speaking test. Furthermore, we have also discussed the best IELTS online coaching.

Many individuals believe that memorising scripted responses and using them during the test is the best approach to perform well on the speaking test.

Image Source: https://www.touchstoneedu.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/writting.jpg

  1. Don't show off your grammar

The preceding point is related to this one. Many applicants believe that to receive a high grade, they must demonstrate to the examiner their impeccable grammar. Again, the risk is attempting to utilise syntax that you are unsure of completely and then losing control of the sentence. If it is not appropriate, there is no sense in employing the future perfect continuous tense. When practising, consider the tense you should use and become familiar with the functional language for expressing perspectives, opposing viewpoints, emphasising, and other purposes.

2. Don't worry about the examiner’s opinion

When some students informed me that I can only perform well on the speaking examination if the examiner shares my viewpoint, I was taken aback. The opposite is true in every way. Examiners aren't interested in your opinion; they just want you to show that you can communicate effectively. Put your attention toward delivering a concise, grammatically sound response to the question.

3. Never memorise the answers

Many individuals believe that memorising scripted responses and using them during the test is the best approach to perform well on the speaking test. The reason this is a bad idea is that memorised answers are quite obvious, and examiners are trained to recognise them.

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Taking an IELTS online course will not only help you to prepare well for the test but also tell you these crucial tactics to obtain a good band score.

4. Avoid using a lot of big words

It's a prevalent myth that to earn a good test score, every statement must contain extremely long, "complex" words. Unless you are at a conference with university professors, this simply doesn't happen when you listen to how native people speak. While you should make an effort to demonstrate to the examiner your extensive vocabulary, you shouldn't try to utilise terminology you don't completely comprehend. You may make mistakes and receive lower grades if you try to employ "complex" terminology that you don't completely grasp.

I advise my students to follow the "100% rule": if you aren't positive of a word's meaning and/or form, don't use it.

5. Don't get too nervous

It's normal to feel anxious before an exam, yet anxiety can frequently lower a person's score in several distinct ways. When they are anxious, some people have a propensity to talk very softly, which makes it harder for the interviewer to understand them. Others shuffle their words when they are anxious, which is not a good idea during a speaking test. The secret is to carefully plan so that you may feel more certain.

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